An index of all GAUL downloads is available on the sourceforge site, including older versions. Full source code and several binary packages are listed there.
The "gaul-devel" package contains the core GAUL libraries, along with everything needed to build your own programs using GAUL. The "gaul-examples" package contains a variety of demonstration and example programs. The "gaul-devel" package must be installed before the "gaul-examples" will work.
Please report any bugs to or to the mailing list. This will help to improve and refine future versions of GAUL!
The latest "bleeding-edge" source code (which may, or may not, be entirely stable or even compile) is always available via anonymous CVS hosted by SourceForge. We wouldn't ever guarantee that this code will work correctly in every case, but all the newly added features will be present. To download, follow the instructions below:
- Set the CVSROOT environment variable:
- Using csh or tcsh:
setenv CVSROOT
- Using sh or bash: export CVSROOT
- Log in to CVS:
cvs login Just press the 'Enter' key when prompted for a password.
- Obtain the latest code:
cvs -z3 co gaul-devel
This will update your gaul directory under the current directory with the
changes to CVS since your last "checkout".
- To compile:
./configure ; make whilst in the GAUL directory.
Two other packages in the CVS archive may be of particular interest. "gaul-examples" contains the source code for all of the demonstration programs for GAUL, including those that are referenced in the tutorial. "gaul-perl" contains the source code for an experimental set of wrappers for using GAUL from perl scripts.
Alternatively, you may browse the CVS archive through a simple web interface.
GAUL is FREE software. You can support GAUL by making a donation or by purchasing books via the Amazon links, below:
