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GAUL Documentation: Selection Operators

Selecting individuals

A crucial aspect of genetic algorithms is the selection operator. The selection operator is used to chose individuals from the population for crossover and mutation. Many of the well known selection operators from the GA literature are available through GAUL. In addition to the built-in selection operators, it is simple to use your own.

There are two types of selection operators in GAUL, one type selects single individuals while the other selects pairs of individuals. All selection operators share one of the following prototypes:

/* GAselect_one selects a single entity from the population. */
typedef boolean (*GAselect_one)(population *pop, entity **mother);

/* GAselect_one selects a pair of entities from the population. */
typedef boolean (*GAselect_two)(population *pop, entity **mother, entity **father);
You may specify your prefered algorithm simply by passing a reference to the relevent functions into the genesis function.

Built-in selection operators

The following tables list the built-in selection operators.
Single selection functionsbrief description
ga_select_one_random()Select entity at random
ga_select_one_every()Sequentially select each entity
ga_select_one_randomrank()Select entity at random where probability is a linear function of rank
ga_select_one_bestof2()Select entity by pairwise tournament
ga_select_one_roulette()Select entity by stochastic, roulette-wheel, approach
ga_select_one_sus()Select entity by Stochastic Universal Sampling
ga_select_one_aggressive()Select entity at random where probability is an exponential function of rank
ga_select_one_best()Always select the single fittest entity

Pairwise selection functionsBrief description
ga_select_two_random()Select entities at random
ga_select_two_every()Sequentially select each unique pair of entities
ga_select_two_randomrank()Select first entity at random where probability is a linear function of rank and second is sequentially selected
ga_select_two_bestof2()Select entities by pairwise tournament
ga_select_two_roulette()Select entities by stochastic, roulette-wheel, approach
ga_select_two_sus()Select entities by Stochastic Universal Sampling
ga_select_two_aggressive()Select first entity at random where probability is an exponential function of rank and second entity at random
ga_select_two_best()Always select the single fittest entity

Custom selection operators

In addition to the built-in selection operators, custom operators may be readily used. This is not documented at present because it is considered to be advanced usage. Please email the GAUL mailing list if you would like some hints or instructions.


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