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GAUL Documentation: Compilation with Dev-C++

Instructions for compilation on MS Windows with Dev-C++

This document contains abbreviated instructions for compiling your own GAUL libraries and executables with Dev-C++. They were tested with Dev-C++ version

Corresponding instructions for Microsoft Visual C++ are provided separately.


PART 0: Download and unpack the Windows-specific version of the source code from the download page.

PART I: Compile the gaul-util library.

  1. Create a "gaul-util" project to compile a static library:
    • select the menu "File->New->Project",
    • click the "Static Library" icon,
    • select the "C Project" radiobutton,
    • type "gaul-util" in the "Name:" text box,
    • click the "Okay" button.
  2. Add all C source files from the GAUL subdirectory "util".
  3. Create a project folder, "gaul", and add all of the C header files from the subdirctory "util/gaul" into this.
  4. Select menu item "Project->Project_Options", then the tab parameters".
  5. In the "Compiler:" box add "-I###", replacing ### by the location of the "util" directory.
  6. Click "Okay" button.
  7. Select menu option "Execute->Compile" or click the compile button (four coloured squares).

PART II: Compile the gaul-devel library.

  1. Create a "gaul-devel" project to compile a static library:
    • select the menu "File->New->Project",
    • click the "Static Library" icon,
    • select the "C Project" radiobutton,
    • type "gaul-devel" in the "Name:" text box,
    • click the "Okay" button.
  2. Add all C source files from the GAUL subdirectory "src".
  3. Create a project folder, "gaul", and add all of the C header files from the subdirctory "src/gaul" into this.
  4. Select menu item "Project->Project_Options", then the tab "Parameters".
  5. In the "Compiler:" box add "-I###" -I***, replacing ### by the location of the "util" directory and *** by the location of the "src" directory.
  6. Click "Add Library or Object" button.
  7. Select the library compiled in part I, above, "gaul-util.a".
  8. Click "Okay".
  9. Select menu option "Execute->Compile" or click the compile button (four coloured squares).

PART III: Compile the example programs.

Note that each example program requires a seperate project, sorry, but there is nothing I can do about this. Complain on the Dev-C++ if you like. These instructions are for the "struggle" example, but all examples are compiled in a similar way.

  1. Create a "struggle" project to compile a console application:
    • select the menu "File->New->Project",
    • click the "Console Application" icon,
    • select the "C Project" radiobutton,
    • type "struggle" in the "Name:" text box,
    • click the "Okay" button.
  2. Add the relevent C source filesfrom the GAUL subdirectory "examples".
  3. Select menu item "Project->Project_Options", then the tab "Parameters".
  4. In the "Compiler:" box add "-I###" -I***, replacing ### by the location of the "util" directory and *** by the location of the "src" directory.
  5. Click "Add Library or Object" button.
  6. Select the library compiled in part I, above, "gaul-util.a".
  7. Select the library compiled in part II, above, "gaul-devel.a".
  8. Click "Okay".
  9. Select menu option "Execute->Compile" or click the compile button (four coloured squares).

Creating and compiling your own programs that use GAUL should require a similar process to that outlined in PART III.

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